Pegutten som kämpade!
Tja vad kan man säga om våran lilla bil med den lilla lilla motorn.
Uppför berg, ner för dalar...
Här är en liten sammanfattning om vart den lilla svarta faran
tog oss och med mig bakom ratten, Stina som kartläsare!
Farligt farligt men oförklarligt ta det varligt ;-)
B Skifs
- Flygplatsen via Markopoulo till slutdestination Porto Rafti fm lörd
- Porto Rafti till den underbara mötesplatsen i Athina för vidare lotsning till
melodifestivalsparty hos vår värd och värdinna lörd kväll
Jorden Skrattar I Blommor
A morning without coffee...
I mandags efter lite bad o sol o vila tog vi o bilade in till Aten. Igen. Genom tullen, rondellen, kaosartadrusningstrafik och traffade Joana och ett en massa facebooktanter. Vi promenerade langs plakan och fikade pa torget med utsikt over Akropolis.
Coffee with the girls was very nice. Fun meeting new people in this warm and beautiful country.
Many kisses from Greece
Swedish meatballs!
På lördag hade vi i Grekland en svenskinspirerad fest med köttbullar, potatis, potatisgratäng, svampomelett, kallskuret, kladdkaka, snacks, jordgubbar i choklad, vin, öl, kaffe osv osv. Lite blandat från jul, påsk o midsommar. Allt framdukat på Ikea-fat med ikea-ljus i det ikea-inspirerade hemmet =) De tyckte vi gjort det så fint att vi borde satsa på att bli professionella inrednings/party-designers. Heh.
Det blev jättebra! Mycket uppskattat. Vi var ett internationellt bord med amerikanska Tom, grekiska familjen med Joana, Lambros, Lara och Dimitris och så svenska Stina och Sofi. Mycket prat blev det. Folket åkte hem vid halv ett, och vi lade oss vid två-tiden.
Opa from Greece
Sofi and Stina
Vi ar framme i Grekland.
I'll update later when I have the time.
Just wanted to let you know we're alive.
Sofi and Stina in Greece
Flying medicine
Lunch break and a lot to think about...
How will we solve this problem??
I need my medicine to make the trip pleasant!
So here is my small problem...
I´m going to rent a car at the airport of Athens
My dear hostess and her hubbie will be there and meet us and
aid us in getting a car, hopefully an automatic. They are wounderfully easy to drive!
But will I be sober enough to drive??
Hmmm... moral dilemma,
or a legal dilemma,, what's the law in Greece?
Can I twinkle with my eyes so my dear sister will drive the 7 km?
Or will Stina be kind and cool enough to say - Hi mom, of course I'll drive *L*
The question will answer itself when we arrived in Greece.
Promise to tell =)
Athens the town of sports
As you know Athen was the long-time capital of the Olympic games a long time ago.
When I visited Athens last year I hoped to see alot of Greek Gods in miniskirts
in the new Olympic Games stadium, but that weekend I didn´t see any athlets like that
Oooo, almost forgot, I did however see A LOT of guys in skirts *happy smile*
but they also had guns and only had eyes for the Parlament...
so NO WAY I could've made a move to flirt with them...
So what is the most popular sport in the town full of sport history and traditions??
I´m not a sport fanatic but one thing I know, the people of Greece
don´t run to the stadium for Olympic games, they run to see.....
...Football !!
When football games are playing in Greece all other activitets stop!
Just like in our country when it´s hunting week for moose *lmao*
or icehockey and so on.
So back to Athens. There are 2 major teams and like the two gigant newpappers in Sweden
, Aftonbladet or Expressen... you support one of them...
Me and Stina talked about what is the most beautiful coulors...
That´s what I know about football...
The green ones or the red ones...
So as with women (when we buy a car) we go for the coulor. And.
I like Green!
Welcome FAQ. . .
Q: Who will Travel?
A: Mother Sofi and Daugther Stina.
Q: Where will you Travel?
A: Porto Rafti, Greece, is the main target.
Q: How will you travel?
A: To Greece, by plane. (walking and driving various other veiachles would take too long). And in Greece, by foot, by taxi, by train and by whatever else we come across!
Q: When will you go? And how long are you gone?
A: We start this adventure on may the 28th and return June the 12th. Unless! we run into any ash-clouds...
Q: What will be in this blog?
A: Anything, everything, you're free to ask questions, leave comments and so on. Maybe we'll be able to give you tips for your travel/s or whatever (when we, er, actually learn something).
Information Porto Rafti:
The red star (click on the miniature picture)
Porto Rafti (Greek: Πόρτο Ράφτη), official name: Limin Mesogeias (Greek: Λιμήν Μεσογείας) is a seaside town. As of 2001, its population was 7,131. (Summertime year 2008 population were about 10.000). It surrounds the Porto Rafti Bay in the east coast of Attica, 38 km from the center of Athens, Greece. It is also located very close to the Attiki Odos and to the closed Olympic Equestrian Centre of Athens. Porto Rafti is part of the Markopoulo Mesogeias municipality in the East Attica prefecture.
The town is known for its beaches, restaurants serving traditional Greek food (tavernas), hotels and apartments for rent during the holidays. In Porto Rafti, thousands of Athens' residents have built their country-houses for their holidays.
The nautical sports at Porto Rafti are served by two major clubs (NASPOR and IOPOR). Porto Rafti also has its own football & basketball team, called AEPOR (Athlitiki Enosi Porto Rafi or Porto Rafti Athletic Club).