Många inlägg är det nu...
... men vi fortsätter. Detta är fjärde nu, men vi måste komma ikapp. Men glöm inte kika på de andra inläggen nedanför.
På söndag åkte vi, efter förslag från vår vänninna, till Vravrona på andra sidan bergen. Ut på små, slingriga vägar och chansade hej vilt på vart vi var och skulle. Lite "Det här känns rätt" utan att ha någon aning. Upp för berg ned för berg och hit och dit. Och sen var vägen slut. Pang bomm. Vi vände off road och körde tillbaka en bit. HIttade en liten resturang och frågade då på utmärkt engelska/grekiska "Vart ligger Vravrona?" Varpå de säger "Ni är här. This is Vravrona." Hah.
Vi tog lite bilder.
Jah, det var polikala, mycket bra, och jättefint. Spännande.
More to come =)
Lite söndag, lite måndag.
... Vi var på lite strand. Badade lite, solade lite. Njöt.
Vi har testat två stränder, i morgon blir det en tredje i Vravrona på andra sidan berget.
Kram kram kram
This is Sweden Calling...
Vi måste ju kompensera lite för bristen på inlägg nu de första dagarna så det blir mycket på samma gång. Men det blir väl bra. =)
Efter en underbart lång resa vilade vi ett par timmar i Lägenheten. En mycket fin lägenhet på tredje våningen. Med ett litet kök/vardagsrum, två sovrum, dusch/toa och två enorma terrasser med utsikt över havet. Värsta lyxet. Var avundsjuka!! MUHAHAHA! Sedan slog vi in presenter och for iväg till Joana för lite Eurovision Song Contest.
We arrived early on Saturday and took a much needed rest. In Joana’s lovely apartment. It was like a piece of heaven after our looooong travel. Afterwards we wrapped some gifts and headed for a night of Eurovision song contest at our hostess s’ place. It was a very good evening all in all, meeting our greek friends and enjoying some good company with good music.
Vi har ju som sagt hyrt en bil. Och i Grekland kör alla som galningar med en stark dödslängtan och överanvänder varningsblinkers och använder inte lyse eller blinkers eller lyder skyltar/linjer... Spännande är det. Men det går bra. Faktiskt. I Lördags åkte vi ca fyra mil från porto rafti till Athen för ESC med vägbeskrivning från våra värdar. Åk hit, sväng där osv. Den sista instruktionen var typ "åk in i den gigantiska rondellen med fyra filer och ställ er vid bussstationen. Och invänta eskort," Så där stod vi mitt i en rondell, vid en busshållplats ungefär tio meter från ett rödljus....
Sedan fick vi eskort hem till Joana och när vi svängde in på den gatan förstod vi varför vi skulle vänta. För där var det vägkaospanik och vi skulle inte hittat/överlevt utan hjälp.
Vidare så delade vi ut presenter och drack gott när vi kom fram. De blev jätteglada för presenterna. Joana för sitt Carpe Diem-hjärta och Lambros och Dimitri för sina Phanatonaikis-halsdukar.
Sen blev det Eurovision med Alla och en massa andra, Joanas dotter Lara och hennes pojvän Tom. Vänninor och deras män. En fullsatt salong på 13 pers satt och hejade på sina favoriter. Mammas var då Tyskland som vann. Min var Frankrike och Georgien. Ingen av dem vann...
Watching ESC was fun. Germany won, and Lena was my mothers' favourite, but I cheered for France and Georgia. Joana and Lambros had their friends over, also was her daughter Lara and her boyfriend Tom there along. Good food, good company, a good good night =)
Dimitris hittade litte bubbleplast. Det är roligt i alla länder, väldigt internationellt. Dimitris enjoyed some bubblewrap =)
Här är Joana och hennes vännina, observera all mat (som smakade mums) bänkade inför tvkvällen. Joana and her friend, infront of all the yummy food.
Sofi njuter.
Sen var det slut. Vid halv tre åkte vi hem glada och nöjda. Trafiken var mycket bättre och väl hemma sov vi underbart gott!!!
Många kramar
This is Greece Calling!
... Sweden seven points. Neuf points!
Hallå, det var ett tag sedan sist. Men nu har vi smugit runt i Porto Rafti och, med mina överlägsna hacker-talanger hittat och stjäl lite internet från Conga. En liten fin restaurang ungefär 20 meter från havet. Vi väntar på kvällsmat.
Men i alla fall.
Vi reste i fredags och kom fram klockan tio på morgonen. VI fick sammanlagt ca. 3 timmars sömn över fredag och lördag. Vi reste och reste och reste. Men kom fram till slut.
Vi startade i Falun. we begun our trip in Falun Sweden.
Och fortsatte till gävle. And continued to Gävle.
Och sedan Arlanda och lite sova. And the airport for some Awesome sleep.
Vi kom fram och hyrde bil och gav oss ut i den underbara Grekiska panikterrorrally-trafiken.
More later.
Love Sofi and Stina
Hälsningar från Sofi&Stina genom Cirri
Vi ar framme i Grekland.
I'll update later when I have the time.
Just wanted to let you know we're alive.
Sofi and Stina in Greece
Typ Två Timmar Kvar Nu...
Inte länge. Stor förväntan. Längtan. Spänning. Massa känslor som kommer trötta ut.
Kommer jag och mamma explodera på varandra efter timmars resa med prat och tjat och gnat?
Eller kommer vi återgå till ett infantilt stadie och prata kiss- och bajshumor med varandra tills vi, tomatröda i ansiktet, kiknar i mammas vinglas?
Om jag känner mig själv och min mor så kommer vi ta oss igenom båda stadierna för att infinna oss i ett lagom utmattat stadie när vi väl landar i Grekland. Vad jag ser fram emot det.
Och som en vis man en gång sa:
Antingen reser man med första klass. . . eller med barn.
No Matter Where You Go. . .
. . . There you are.
In a few hours the journey begins. Already today several hours have passed by and so far they have all felt much, much longer than sixty minutes. Expectation and anticipation makes time pass very slowly. Early this morning I woke up to book our seats in our choice of transportation. The Airplane. My dear mothers’ favourite choice of transportation. *insert heavy sarcasm* (It’s difficult to convey sarcasm through text). I woke up early, and was later unable to fall asleep again, so this day was already longer than usual. Without being sloooow.
So, I’ve booked our seats for this flight with mother sofis’ wish of seating in mind. She wants to sit in the front of the plane. I have a loose theory that she subcounsiously prefers the front to the back due to the airplanes' movement in flight. The further back in the body you sit you’re more prone to feel when the plane works to keep a steady course. Because the tail and the back section moves considerably more than the nose and front. At least that’s my theory. Loosley based on what I learnt in school (aviation collage, yes. . .) many years ago.
Our seats are on row 21, J&K, and mine'll be K!
Our airplane is a boeing 737-800. Boeing 737 is a short to medium range, single aisle and narrow body jet airliner. 737’s lack a fuel dump system. The 800s are a version of the 737-700s with longer bodies. This version was launched in 1994 and introduced into service in 1998. They hold 162 or 189 passangers depending on the class layout.
Very exiting.
Can’t wait to take off (take off and landing, the best parts of flight travel!!)
Lot's of love
Snacka om spik.. Nä jag menar... snacka om fakta du!!
Här kommer "the real" fakta
Del 1 Program
Tyvärr har vi ingen GPS så ni kan följa varje steg vi tar.
Ni får hålla tillgodo med det vi berättar (och utelämnar)
Fredagen den 28 maj 2010
20:36 Avgång Falu Central
21:39 Ankomst Gävle Central
Fritid att göra vad man vill, kolla på folk, sova, läsa, dricka?
Tja någon mat kommer det INTE bli så här sent på kvällen (tänker på vikten)
23.00 Avgång Gävle Central
Då ligger förhoppningsvis ni och sover
om ni inte är ute och svingar en bägare eller
AfterWork på jobbet (ha så skoj gänget)
00.31 Ankomst Arlanda
Ja ha... då var vi där igen då den där förbaskade fritiden haha..
Vem har satt ihop det här programmet med en massa fritid??
04.00 Incheckning flight SK1833 Athens
Flygmedicins intag + sådär 100 cigge
för att stilla de värsta skakningarna.
Det är inte planet som skakar.
06.00 Avgång Arlanda
Stiiiiiiiiiiiiina - Hålla handen!
Då var vi här igen då,,,samma elände FRITID
Här lägger jag in lite goa glas med rött vin och umgänge med
min sötnos till dotter.
10.40 Ankomst Aten *PUST
11.00 Förhoppningsvis ser vi de här kända ansiktena
Joana och Lambros
Äventyret kan börja!!
Troligen vid disken för att hyra en bil :-O
forts följer
Den stora frågan idag är VA ska vi göra med all fritid? *blink*
Get the Facts First. . .
So, I thought I’d post some facts about Greece. And while I’m doing it I’ll only add facts I find interesting, because in my opinion this is the only kind of facts that stick. In fact, heh, information that is bland or boring seem to enter one ear and exit through the other within the same second. Here are some intersting facts about Greece:
· Greece has a collection of over 6000 islands.
· Greeks love to dance and have more than 63 folk dances.
· No part of Greece is more than 140 kilometers (85 miles) from the sea.
· Greece is one of the oldest nations in Europe, and started 2,500 years ago.
· Our culture of architecture, art, science, math, literature, music, philosophy and mythology all derive from Greece.
· Their National Anthem, Hymn to Liberty, contains 158 verses.
· Tossing an apple to a girl was a traditional way of proposing.
And! to add to my mothers’ brief mention of the Olympic Games from Greece:
· The first olympics were in 776 BCE and there was one event, a short 200 meter sprint called a stade.
· Thousands would come from all over greece to watch the games, the main stadium held 45,000 and they still needed thousands of tents!
· Married women could be put to death for watching the games. . .
· In the ancient olympics winners were given olive wreaths.
· They were so serious about thier games that one athlete who backed out was fined with cowardice. . . Which was very, veeery embarrassing!
These are some facts worth remembering =)
*Link to the complete Greek National Anthem, in the Greek Language here. Click me!
Flying medicine
Lunch break and a lot to think about...
How will we solve this problem??
I need my medicine to make the trip pleasant!
So here is my small problem...
I´m going to rent a car at the airport of Athens
My dear hostess and her hubbie will be there and meet us and
aid us in getting a car, hopefully an automatic. They are wounderfully easy to drive!
But will I be sober enough to drive??
Hmmm... moral dilemma,
or a legal dilemma,, what's the law in Greece?
Can I twinkle with my eyes so my dear sister will drive the 7 km?
Or will Stina be kind and cool enough to say - Hi mom, of course I'll drive *L*
The question will answer itself when we arrived in Greece.
Promise to tell =)
Athens the town of sports
As you know Athen was the long-time capital of the Olympic games a long time ago.
When I visited Athens last year I hoped to see alot of Greek Gods in miniskirts
in the new Olympic Games stadium, but that weekend I didn´t see any athlets like that
Oooo, almost forgot, I did however see A LOT of guys in skirts *happy smile*
but they also had guns and only had eyes for the Parlament...
so NO WAY I could've made a move to flirt with them...
So what is the most popular sport in the town full of sport history and traditions??
I´m not a sport fanatic but one thing I know, the people of Greece
don´t run to the stadium for Olympic games, they run to see.....
...Football !!
When football games are playing in Greece all other activitets stop!
Just like in our country when it´s hunting week for moose *lmao*
or icehockey and so on.
So back to Athens. There are 2 major teams and like the two gigant newpappers in Sweden
, Aftonbladet or Expressen... you support one of them...
Me and Stina talked about what is the most beautiful coulors...
That´s what I know about football...
The green ones or the red ones...
So as with women (when we buy a car) we go for the coulor. And.
I like Green!
I like my money right where I can see them. . .
...in my closet.
Mother Sofi went to the hairdresser today. She was to have her hair cut and add highlights. When I arrived a little later in the morning, at the hairdresser, she had cut her hair and added one big fat highlight. In all of her hair. Brill! It actually looks great and she pulls the whole silver/platinum blond hair off (otherwise I usually associate platinum blond hair with, well, people of cheap porno flicks or their related associates… *clears throat*).
Anyway, it looks great.
Afterwards we went shopping for important stuff to bring with us to Greece. Because one can never have enough stuff! Mother Sofi bought some nice shoes with lots of straps, kind of like those old roman sandals, or as a friend calls them “Jesus-shoes”. Though much more fashionable and up to date, but you get the picture... She also bought some band aids for the possible and probable galls (skvasår in Swedish) she’ll receive from breaking in these awesome looking sandals/shoes.
I bought some stuff to. Like a t-shirt. Because I love t-shirts and they are awesome. This one was pretty with pretty colors and a fierce animal on… I mean, what’s not to like? I’ll wear it to the beach, and in the city and when I chill in the shade of some building looking cool and relaxed… I love it.
Now I’ll head over to Mothers' and watch the Eurovision Song Contest semi Final 1.
THE!! Hostess
How easy it can be when you have a special sister at the destination!!
I promiss her to not "overdo it" so I will take this in just a few words, right Joana?? *big smile*
Many words can be used to describe this lovely woman...
But the best are......
Caring, loveable, carpe Diem, always (as I know) smart and happy...
And lucky with her family, pictured here below <3
See you soon all of you!
The worst thing about being a tourist...
...is having other tourists recognize you as a tourist.
Me and my mom are going to travel to Greece, to visit some of her friends who has gracefully borrowed us their apartment in Porto Rafti. Two weeks of Greek and Greece and Greekology (hehe) and a lot of (hopefully) sun and (most probably) friendly people.
In an unexplained burst of inspiration I’ve created the foundation for a travel blog. Hopefully it won’t dry up as fast as my previous blog, though this one actually has a purpose other than my random thoughts. There will be pictures, probably a lot of them, facts about Greek stuff and dictations of our random and most probably Awesome! adventures.
Before this trip I’ve listened a little to some ‘Learn Greek’ audio files. Into the third lesson, over a too long a period of time, I noticed the teacher is obsessed with Americans (probably because these lessons are meant for Americans) and if someone is American or not. Is te Americanos? And. So. On. I will most definantly not be speaking greek, at least not more than the obvious. Yes, no, thank you and I don’t know. Enough for me I belive.
Thank you!
Welcome FAQ. . .
Q: Who will Travel?
A: Mother Sofi and Daugther Stina.
Q: Where will you Travel?
A: Porto Rafti, Greece, is the main target.
Q: How will you travel?
A: To Greece, by plane. (walking and driving various other veiachles would take too long). And in Greece, by foot, by taxi, by train and by whatever else we come across!
Q: When will you go? And how long are you gone?
A: We start this adventure on may the 28th and return June the 12th. Unless! we run into any ash-clouds...
Q: What will be in this blog?
A: Anything, everything, you're free to ask questions, leave comments and so on. Maybe we'll be able to give you tips for your travel/s or whatever (when we, er, actually learn something).
Information Porto Rafti:
The red star (click on the miniature picture)
Porto Rafti (Greek: Πόρτο Ράφτη), official name: Limin Mesogeias (Greek: Λιμήν Μεσογείας) is a seaside town. As of 2001, its population was 7,131. (Summertime year 2008 population were about 10.000). It surrounds the Porto Rafti Bay in the east coast of Attica, 38 km from the center of Athens, Greece. It is also located very close to the Attiki Odos and to the closed Olympic Equestrian Centre of Athens. Porto Rafti is part of the Markopoulo Mesogeias municipality in the East Attica prefecture.
The town is known for its beaches, restaurants serving traditional Greek food (tavernas), hotels and apartments for rent during the holidays. In Porto Rafti, thousands of Athens' residents have built their country-houses for their holidays.
The nautical sports at Porto Rafti are served by two major clubs (NASPOR and IOPOR). Porto Rafti also has its own football & basketball team, called AEPOR (Athlitiki Enosi Porto Rafi or Porto Rafti Athletic Club).